Coffee Farming Today

A large proportion of the worlds’ poor, including coffee producers, struggle to earn enough to support their family and their basic needs of food, sanitation, health, clean water and education.

It’s not just about money. There’s a multitude of factors that besiege poor coffee growers, from water and sanitation needs and HIV rates to dodgy electricity connections, mobile phone subscriptions and reliable access to banking and internet services.

Change is necessary but it’s also cumbersome and complicated

My work in the coffee sector is grounded in research, analysis of meta data, field work, key informant interviews, participatory negotiations and strengthening partnerships.

I design sustainable, resource efficient and quality coffee production programs, develop monitoring tools, advise on gender and youth inclusive activities throughout the coffee supply chain and prepare data analyses for coffee producing countries.

I review progress reports, concept notes, proposals and monitoring reports across multiple disciplines.

Specifically, I check that the goals meet the needs of the target audience; any changes in key beneficiaries’ behaviour and practices; that we’re on track, both time and budget-wise; and that there are adequate resources to achieve the expected outcomes.

All of this contributes to the sustainability of the project and its participants.

Need an expert coffee development researcher? See how I can help your project.

For the love of coffee


At the end of the day, it comes down to our love for (or addiction to) one of our favourite drinks.

The world demand for coffee is growing.

My interest is simple and holds true in the coffee industry – to improve coffee quality at every stage in the supply chains. Doing so benefits everyone, along the supply chain and especially small-scale coffee growers.

My work supports conscious coffee choices. Ultimately, we all want to ensure that coffee contributes to women and youth economic empowerment, sustainable measures, transparency, good agricultural practices and improved livelihoods.

Coffee that tastes good and does good!

It’s really not a hard choice to make, is it?

I support consumers and traders who want to ensure, first and foremost, that their coffee industry choices support change for better quality coffee and improved livelihoods. I link the interests of coffee consumers, coffee businesses and coffee growers.

To do this, I research, monitor, write articles, take photographs, blog and give talks on how coffee choices can impact a household, a community and the environment.

Don’t drink tea – it makes you rusty!

What are your thoughts on conscious coffee choices?